
Thriving Families, Safer Children Kentucky is a collaboration of statewide partners, including individuals with lived experience, rethinking child welfare by creating conditions for strong, healthy communities where families are supported and children are free from harm.

The following priorities align with the overarching values and goals of the national movement focused on the promotion of family and community wellbeing:

  • Development of a robust network of community-based prevention supports
  • Creation of formalized structures to serve families “screened out” by the Kentucky Department for Community Based Services
  • Clearly differentiating poverty and neglect
  • Development of a statewide collaborative primary/secondary prevention plan
  • Creation of a Parent Advisory Council

Site Resources

Site Contacts

Team Lead: Jill Seyfred, Prevent Child Abuse Kentucky (

Team Lead: Valerie Frost, Kentucky Youth Advocates (

TFSC Site Liaison: Kiersten Sutton, Prevent Child Abuse America (

Content on this page has been provided by the site team or its representatives. Views expressed may not reflect the funders or TFSC partner organizations. Resources may include external links.

In addition to our site partners across the country, the following people and organizations have come together to show that it is possible to fundamentally rethink how America protects children and supports families.