Resilient Oklahoma, coordinated by the Children’s State Advisory Workgroup (CSAW), is an initiative dedicated to developing infrastructure and services for Systems of Care to enhance behavioral health supports and increase hope and resilience for children and families in Oklahoma. To achieve these goals, CSAW leverages resources across multiple systems to strengthen family resilience and community supports. In addition, Resilient Oklahoma is committed to centering its work within communities, with a specific goal of collaborating and funding projects communities, aimed at building upon existing resources and community-driven efforts.
Membership of CSAW includes state government child serving agencies; non-profit organizations; and lived experience leaders (youth and parents). Additionally, the Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth (OCCY) houses a 1.0 FTE Cross Systems Coordinator to provide administrative backbone support to Resilient Oklahoma efforts. Funding for the position is provided through a partnership of CSAW membership including the Oklahoma State Department of Health, Oklahoma Human Services, and the OCCY. Additional program funding is provided by CSAW membership and partners including the Oklahoma Partnership for School Readiness Foundation and the Annie E. Casey Foundation.
Site Contacts
Danielle Dill, Team Lead, Program Manager Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth (danielle.dill@occy.ok.gov) phone: (405) 606-4902
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