Centering the Work in Communities with Tiffany Boyd and Justin Lee

In this episode, Tecoria and Elliott are in conversation with Tiffany Boyd and Justin Lee. Tiffany is a Lived Experience Expert and Advocate for Youth and Justin is the Senior Director of Strategic Consulting at Casey Family Programs. The conversation is largely about centering the work in communities, which is one of the four guiding principles of the Thriving Families, Safer Children (TFSC) initiative. They focus on what this principle means, when they know it’s happening and when it’s not happening, and how they are applying it in Los Angeles County.

In this episode, listeners will take away why systems and communities should partner and co-create together, why communities should be in a position to lead, and how to navigate the challenges and successes that are inherent in this approach. Other topics include equitable compensation, moving beyond compensation to enterprise building, lived expertise, and acknowledging different types of the expertise and power imbalances.

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